jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

SCM Collaboration Model

I´m back. I mean I´m back as a serious (I hope) researcher. I have been quite occupied with another management tasks for the last three years, and surely, a little bit unmotivated in research activity. But I´m back, with renewed energy.

Some days ago I read a very interesting post about how can web 2.0 impact supply chain management. So, I'm not the only one who is thinking about it. It's quite a long time since I'm wondering the same: "Web 2.0 tolls & philosophy utility in SCM and logistics". I'd like my short-term challenge to be to deepen a bit more in this subject, and I feel that my motivation in this sence is great!

In my opinion, one of the main aims of any supply chain is supply & demand integration. This is one of the research priorities in the MIT Center of Transportation & Logistics. And for this purpose, SCM information transparency is necessary. In this sence, one of my research interests is to find out how SCM relations could be transformed.

Today, supply chain agents are using a wide range of tools in order to exchange logistic information and knowledge: meetings, phone, fax, email, EDI, radiofrecuency, GPS... My research interest is beginning to be focused towards trying to re-define the way supply chain agents:

- exchange logistic information
- relation theirselves
- integrate supply and demand...

using web 2.0 tools and "ways of doing", in order to a better logistics performance.

That´s it. You can see all these words expressed and resumed in a figure here.
Please, all opinions and contributions are wellcome.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Te esparábamos con los brazos abiertos. Seguro que podemos hacer cosas juntos!!

Mikel Mesonero dijo...

Welcome back, Aitor "SCM 2.0." Urzelai ;-)

Aitor Lizartza Martin dijo...

Notizi ederra!! Asko pozten gara!! Itxura ona du planteatzen duzunak, gaurkotasuna badu behintzat, ez da gutxi! Animo!

Manuel Salas M. dijo...

Hola, interesante el tema de Demand side management, actualmente estoy en buscar de información para mi proyecto de tesis. ¿quizas puedas ayudarme?

aurzelai dijo...

Hola Manuel,

Te recomiendo que visites la página del MIT-Center for Transportation and Logistics, y sigas la pista de un autor llamado Larry Lapide. A su vez, este mismo autor te llevará a otros autores...
Suerte con tu tesis.